The Sunday Independent



1 Name Bizet’s best known opera (6)

7 Which science deals with crops and the like (8)

8 What do we call one who suffers from sleepapnoea (6)

9 Name the Russian monk and faith healer, assassinated in 1916 (8)

10 Name the capital of the Republic of the Philippines (6)

11 Which metallic element is also known as wolfram (8)

14 Which English king was called “the Unready” (8)

18 Name the chesspiece shaped like a horse’s head (6)

19 What is a coiled, chambered fossil shell of a cephalopod mollusc (8)

21 Name the innate actuating force in living beings (6)

22 Which type of gold is found in sand, mud, etc, formed by floating water (8)

23 What do we call profits obtained from investments (6)


1 Name a wool fabric of twill weave (8)

2 Who was the legendary Arthurian magician (6)

3 One who tells stories is called a what (8)

4 What are units of work or energy (4)

5 Name another term for the muzzles of animals (6)

6 The Commonwealth games were once known as which games (6)

12 Name the most renowned of Australia’s bushrangers (3,5)

13 What are some elementary particles of atomic nuclei (8)

15 What is a large or imposing church (6)

16 Name the second book of the Old Testament (6)

17 What is the characteristic quality of sound produced by an instrument or voice (6)

20 Name the bird venerated by the ancient Egyptians (4)





African News Agency